Major Arcana

The first 22 cards of the deck are known as the Major Arcana cards. These powerful cards usually represent significant journeys and larger life lessons.

The deck begins at 0 following the journey of 0 The Fool - 0, representing the universal search for purpose and meaning. The Fool’s Journey progresses across three stages– the Conscious, the Unconscious, and the Superconscious.


I The Magician - 1 II The High Priestess - 2 III The Empress - 3 IV The Emperor - 4 V The Hierophant - VI The Lovers - 6 VII The Chariot - 7




Minor Arcana

There are 56 cards in the minor arcana divided into four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles. In each suit, there are 10 numbered cards and 4 court cards. Each suit stands for a particular approach to life.


Minor Arcana Numerology

  1. Ace - Announces the theme of its suit. Always representative of positive forces– it bears the best its suit has to offer. Individuality, beginnings, potential, momentum, inspiration